when is PS vBulletin® Version 3.7.2


whenever your thirst for the cock subsides to the level where you no longer have to troll Academy Avenue looking for young boys to snatch.

I guess that would mean, I shouldnt hold my breath?

that depends. If you have your mother’s lungs, you might be able to pull it off.

I am going to give it a few more weeks. Since Vbulletin released 7.0 two months ago, they released two upgrades. It’s a pain in the ass to upgrade this board

embedded youtube links :x:

Im going to embed my cock in darkstars ear canal.

damn dude I didn’t know it was THAT small. I mean Shaggy did always tell me that he can take you balls deep without flinching, but I really didn’t think that carried much weight.

funny story there…

my g/f signs on to AIM i send her “I’m going to stick my dick in your ear”

she calls me about 10 min. later and says “im just leaving school ill be home in about 20 minutes”

i respond “who would be signed on your computer”

she responds “my mom uses my computer and sometimes it signs me on automatically”

yeah next time i saw her mom she told me “i think my daughter needs to have a conversation with you about where it goes”:eek3:

Come on man, you can do better.


John, What the hell is the Vbullentin thing called when posting a link.
it automatically appears the links name and no additional text needed to desribe a link.

Yes i’m far from internet inclined, their has to be a name for that shit.

If no comment. when you upgrade will make sense :rofl: when i post youtube vids…

its called embedding.

Sweet. :beer:

I went to access pittspeed today with the psp. its all different… and its much harder to navigate. is there any way to set the webpage when on a mobile device to display normally?

yes… click the link that says “PC Mode”

oh snap! pittspeed mobile ftw!!! im down with it here on my i760. before it was massive to try to load and such. this seems to work pretty well…

tried that, didnt work

i must say the edit tags are funny.

they sure are :kekegay: