when using nitrous

ya never wanna get to this point ;D

:wow :wow :wow

Whats the problem?
I got a sticky valve.
Sticky that things buried.
nothing a valve job wont take care of.
your on crack.
no I was running NAWZ but it was when the VTEC kicked in that did it.

nothing like checking your piston to valve clearances at 9300rpm on spray. :haha

That’s a good one right there. Valve stem failure by the looks of it. Had this happen on a 1.8T head just recently, although didn’t bury the valve head into the piston dome like that.


bad valve lock… did it when he was sprayin

:rofl now that’s silly

Break is awfully clean to have been impact-induced from the valve dropping due to a bad lock, especially that far up the stem, but stranger things have happened in our wonderful motors :nod Only E-scoping the stem for hydrocarbons/deposits and-or stress riser will prove for a doubt if the stem snapped first. Just had this happen on a new S.Power valve right out of the box, stem snapped in a close proximity to that one upon first fire. Wrecked the slug bad but not as picture perfect as that one above.

Still funny as all hell. Put that slug on a shelf for a good convo piece!

it was cleaned for visuall impact ;D

Ohhhhh, :lol makes more sense now that you say that hah! Like I said, picture perfect!

sorry should of said that before

work of art! MWAH blows kiss beautiful. clean it, chrome it, put it in a trophy case