I call BS.
mother hit a canadian goose… pieced through the glass, ended up riding shotgun home, and she cooked it.
More women need to take note of this.
wtf was that noise when it hit? sounds like a whelping animal.
i was with people racing on the snky snky, and my friends diffuser fell off the roof of his car and bounced off a chase car and hit a bike behind us that was with us. luckily nothing happened
I lol’d
belongs in the all that is man thread
That board is doing it right.
When a car is coming at you, go for the wind shield and you might survive.
Good job random board. +Karma
This thread is awesome.
My uncle hit a raccoon at like 60-70. In response to Willybeen’s post.
The sound of shit squeezing out of a very tightly clenched ass hole.
ahhhhhh, mental image was too much lol
The 40-year-old Cobb was driving in her Kia Sedona minivan by herself down a local highway in Shelby, North Carolina when she saw two trucks playing a game of “cat and mouse” and holding up traffic. Cobb whipped out her camera phone to take video and send it in to the companies that own both trucks.
And my one question explained. It didn’t look fake, but I couldn’t explain why anyone would be filming at that exact moment.
This is on Good Morning America this morning