where all the white people at

I’ll hopefully be down this weekend. I’ve been working the weekends so I just want to go to sleep. And you guys always take care of things right away before they really get out of hand. Thats why I go to jillians and on a very rare occasion the pearl pub.

FSU :excited

Its getting icy out don’t u have a cobalt to wreck…


Gotta wait for him to be drunk to ask that question. Thats usually when he drives


Some choice few FSU guys have ruined shows lately. Fight at strife at valentines, downstairs in the pizza shop. FSU is banned from valentines and bogies and if FSU guys can’t come, FSU bands won’t play.

So much for seeing death before dishonor again any time soon. :banghead

I used to go to shows where some fsu fellas attended, they were alright maybe because i knew most of the kids they hung around with, but i try not to go to bogies anymore after i got into a fight with a troycore kid after my old band played a show with suffokate

What band? Bogies is good times… Fights are dying down, most of us aren’t putting up with the shit anymore. Fights ruin good hardcore shows. I’m hoping madball stays clean on friday. If it does, it’ll be a real good time.

Haha madball, good luck with no fights there. did you go to bogies saturday night?

I used to play drums in a band called dressed in red.

You guys need to update your image, get some Tapout T-shirts and nobody will fuck with you

Nah, I don’t do mosh metal. lol. Heard there were a lot of fights at that though haha.

We kept it clean for all of agnostic front. I’m thinking we can do it again.

its all about br0-core now, 1 person gets in a fight and then 10 dudes jump in it

I never understood the whole fighting at a concert thing.

Doesnt happen at a country concert unless alot of alcohol is involved.

I know kids who go to shows JUST to hit people on purpose in hopes of fighting, i would never do that on purpose, only if its on accident, but i really dont know why they do it

I know some dudes like that too, it’s lame shit and it isn’t what hardcore is about.

oh it happens at countryfest hahaha

yeah, thats part of the alot of alcohol involved thing

oh ive seen it wayyy to many times at countryfest/ and anyother shows at spac for that matter

Scene Kids. Gay