where all the white people at

you werent reimbursed at all ?

did they ever garnish his welfare checks to pay for that?

damnn, was this recent

Yea NY state crime victims board had to foot that bill. Well most of it

That ****** in prison so all he is getting is dick in the ass

Last November but hence not wanting to go out to many bars

I wouldnt want to either after that

you communist


I will let them go after him because I dont feel like having some huge debt on my credit report because some idiot has a well below average iq and cant seem to function as a normal human being because we all know it will probably be 13 years before this idiot will make enough to pay that back. Plus I am hoping he gets shot in the face upon release

Yah I don’t blame you… 12k is alot and you shouldnt have had to pay for any of it

Yea its bad enough I had to spend my own money cause of this idiot

co worker of mine was racing quads and didn’t have health insurance… 25k out of pocket

Yea it gets pricey real fast. Stupid ambulance from victory cafe to albany med was 1200

My knee surgery was 15K, shits ridic!

My kidney swap was 300k I think. lol

??? For real?

Dont listen to that FUCK

Yeah it was 300 something, I had the bill somewhere. Crazyness. I have a sweet scar tho lol

god damn dude…

Yea any time they work on organs expect a good bill. Plus the stay in the icu is some thing like 9000 a day

YOus mad. You only got shanked, and I got fillet’d. lol

tis true:'(