Where can i get ane ngine dipped/stripped/cleaned

I’ve got a couple s2k engines i’m turning into coffee tables/wine racks. Anywhere local I can take them to get dipped so they they look shiney new again?

bare blocks btw

Hunts I believe. Get someone who goes to HVCC to do it. They have all the stuff there

Universal auto on broadway in Albany. Good people down there.

I believe the best process is to blast the block with a very fine media. Then probably a light dusting of clear coat. Just normal jet washing or hot tanking will not do it.

^. Yup. Need to soda blast heavy stuff or use fine media above 150 grit to get most oxidation removed without too much of a heavy abrasive look. There are some chems that work well but not on heavy debris. Jet washing like at hunts can leave a chemical tinge, sometimes black sometimes yellowish. Depends on the alloy

If you want it shiny afterwards, use rotary scuff pads in an electric drill