where can i get off road diesel?

anyone know? need some for the bobcat. sick of paying for it at sunoco.


isn’t home heating oil the same thing?

Call a home heating oil company. Use furnace oil.

Just go to the rez. It is about $1.00 cheaper than at delta, which is $0.50 cheaper than legal diesel there.

the north rez has diesel and off-road diesel, i put the off road in my car a few times, I thought off road diesel (colored stuff) was tax-less don’t know why the rez has both and the colored stuff is cheaper.

^^If you’re caught running that by the DOT or anyone on the highway (they usually screen trucks) there is a nassssty fine from what I have heard. Its meant for farm equipment and off road vehicles only (hence, no road tax)

sure is

my dad used to run home heating oil in his boat :snky:

He is using it in his Bobcat. He does drive it “On Road”.

Maybe you can get it from a farmer?

Try a farmer or construction company. Home heating oil IS NOT THE SAME as off-road diesel fuel. Heating oil is non-additized and shouldn’t be run in an engine. Honestly though, how much fuel are you going to burn. The price difference is usually only 20-30 cents a gallon. If you use 10 gallons, that’s only $3 for a whole lot of jerking around. Always run a fuel additive like Power Service or something similar as well. Since the invention of ULSD all the lubricity is gone out of the fuel. An additive will keep your IP and injectors from seizing and costing you lots of money.

It is usually $1.00 cheaper at minimum. Akron Rez.

You can run it in trucks/cars on the road, just don’t have huge stickers on your truck for landscaping or construction. You’ll be fine.

I don’t run it anymore, but I did for over a year.