Anyone find a pink pony for SkunkApe?

Naw he wanted a bush baby.

Phonics Monkey?


good god… this may have made my day better if i speed wasnt blocked at work lol

good on ya to not get it…

just remember… at 3 yrs old… it wont be hers… itll be YOURS since youll be taking care of it… get something thats low maintience, and worth while… like a fish, or a midget

Every exotic animal requires a permit in NYS, and from what my DEC friend said they are not hard to get.


you should read :slight_smile:

Maybe instead of everyone guessing, they should actually call the DEC or speak with someone there. Good idea huh.

Trust me you can get anything over the internet, and how would anyone know if you decided not to get a permit?. These dealers are in it for the money, alot of them could care less who they sell to.

Plus monkeys are not cheap, 10k for some.

Good luck

Does the DEC govern pet ownership?

What I was able to find online stated that as of January first 2005 you could not possess a non-human primate in NYS.

New York

Category: B

State Department of Environmental Conservation
50 Wolf Road
Albany, NY 12233

State Web Site
Department Web Site

In 2005 new law specifically prohibits the possession, sale, barter and importing of big cats, monkeys, large reptiles, bears, wolves, venomous snakes and many other wild animals as pets. State issue permits for Possession, Sale and breeding, Scientific or Exhibition purposes, Collection and Possession in some cases. Endangered species breeding permits. Also issues fur-farming permits for bobcats and lynx. Native felines may not be kept as pets. New legislation is pending and you can help save the lynx from anal/genital electrocution and eliminate dangerous exotic cats from being sold or possessed in New York. If you are a NY resident, type your zip code into any box on this page and make a difference now!

Like any law, theres alot too it, but it can be done, im going by what the DEC told me when my cousin wanted to get a lynx, lol what a tard.

johnny chimpo hahahahah

I dunno. Here’s the actual NYS law. Like you said it looks like as long as you get a license you’re OK. If I’m reading it right it says you are only allowed to have a wild animal (the definition of which includes non-human primates) as a pet if you already had it as a pet when the law was enacted but like you said it’s vague enough that you could probably get a license if you wanted to. You’d probably just have to say “No, it’s not a pet” as you hand them their check.

§ 11-0512. Possession, sale, barter, transfer, exchange and import of
wild animals as pets prohibited.
1. No person shall knowingly possess, harbor, sell, barter, transfer,
exchange or import any wild animal for use as a pet in New York state,
except as provided in subdivision three of this section.
2. This section shall not apply to the following persons and entities
with respect to wild animals owned or harbored by them solely for a
purpose other than for use as a pet:
a. Zoological facilities licensed pursuant to 7 USC. Sec. 2131 et
b. Exhibitors licensed pursuant to the Animal Welfare Act, 7 USC.
Sections 2132-2134 and reptile exhibitors who have demonstrated to the
department, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the
commissioner, that the sole purpose for which the wild animal or animals
are used is for exhibition to the public for profit or compensation;
c. Research facilities as defined in the Animal Welfare Act, 7 USC.
Section 2132 (e), which are licensed by the United States Secretary of
d. Licensed veterinarians and incorporated humane societies, animal
shelters, societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals or animal
welfare organizations in temporary possession of wild animals;
e. State universities, private colleges or universities, or state
agencies working with wild animals;
f. Wildlife rehabilitators licensed pursuant to the provisions of
subdivision three of section 11-0515 of this title and regulations
promulgated thereunder, who are tending to sick or injured wild animals;
g. A person having custody of a wild animal solely for the purpose of
transporting it to a licensed veterinarian, wildlife rehabilitator,
humane society or other entity authorized by this section to handle or
treat wild animals;
h. A wildlife sanctuary as defined in subdivision thirty-two of
section 11-0103 of this article;
i. A person who is not a resident of this state who is in the state
only for the purpose of travelling between locations outside the state.
In no event shall this time period exceed ten days;
j. A person who is paralyzed from the neck down who possesses a new
world monkey trained to perform tasks for its owner by an organization
described in section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and
dedicated to improving the quality of life of persons paralyzed from the
neck down.
3. Any person who possesses or harbors a wild animal for use as a pet
at the time that this section takes effect may retain possession of such
animal for the remainder of its life, provided that such person:
a. Has not been convicted of any offense relating to cruelty to
animals or under a judicial order prohibiting possession of animals;
b. Applies to the department within six months of the effective date
of this section, and obtains from the department, a license pursuant to
subdivision four of this section; and
c. Complies with all applicable federal, state, or local laws,
including any ordinance, rule or regulation adopted by a local board of
health, or any rules and regulations established by the department as
requisites for ownership of such wild animal.
4. The department shall be required to issue licenses authorizing
possession of wild animals only to those persons who comply with the
provisions of subdivision three of this section and with any regulations
promulgated by the department thereunder. Such licenses shall be valid
in any jurisdiction within the state where possession of a wild animal
is not prohibited by local law or ordinance, rule or regulation adopted
by a local board of health, and shall be renewable biennially during the
life of the animal subject to continued compliance with the provisions
of this section and with any regulations promulgated thereunder. The
department shall forward copies of such licenses to the clerk of the
city, town or village in which each wild animal is harbored.
a. License applications shall include, but shall not be limited to,
the following:
(1) The name, address and telephone number of the person who owns,
possesses or harbors the wild animal or animals, including an
acknowledgment that the person who owns, possesses or harbors the wild
animal or animals is twenty-one years of age or older.
(2) The address of the location where the wild animal or animals will
be kept, if different from the above.
(3) A detailed description of each wild animal owned, possessed or
harbored, including species, gender, age, any identifying
characteristics, and an identification tag or tattoo if required by the
department, with proof, acceptable to the department, that each such
wild animal was acquired prior to the effective date of this section.
(4) The name, address and telephone number of the veterinarian, who
has agreed to treat the wild animal.
(5) An acknowledgment indicating that the wild animal or animals will
not be bred.
(6) A detailed certification establishing that the location in which
the wild animal will be kept complies with all appropriate standards of
care and at minimum complies with the standards for animal care set
forth in the Federal Animal Welfare Act and other applicable federal,
state and local standards, including, but not limited to housing,
temperature, ventilation, drainage, sanitation, food, water, exercise
and veterinary care appropriate to the species and sufficient to
maintain the wild animal in good health.
(7) An acknowledgment that the wild animal will not be tied, tethered,
or chained outdoors, allowed to run at large and that the wild animal
will not be brought to any public park or commercial or retail
establishment unless it is being brought to a veterinarian or veterinary
(8) An acknowledgment that possession, harboring or owning such wild
animal does not violate any applicable federal, state or local law,
including any ordinance, rule or regulation adopted by a local board of
b. The department shall set biennial license fees for the possession
of wild animals pursuant to subdivision three of this section in an
amount determined to be reasonable but not more than one hundred
seventy-five dollars for two years for each wild animal. License fees
shall be used solely for the implementation and enforcement of this
5. The provisions of the state administrative procedure act shall
apply to the denial or revocation of a license.
6. Any person in possession of a wild animal as a pet that has been
granted a license pursuant to subdivision four of this section shall not
breed, or sell, trade, barter or exchange such wild animal.
7. A person possessing, owning or harboring a wild animal who is
denied a license pursuant to subdivision four of this section, or whose
license is revoked, shall surrender such wild animal to the department
or an authorized agent thereof at a location designated by the
department for such surrender or a police or peace officer of this
state, a local animal control officer, or a duly incorporated society
for the prevention of cruelty to animals, or provide proof that the
animal has been humanely euthanized according to American Veterinary
Medical Association standards by a licensed veterinarian.
8. The department, any police or peace officer of this state, a local
animal control officer, or a duly incorporated society for the
prevention of cruelty to animals is hereby authorized to enforce the
provisions of this section and issue notices of violation to persons in
violation of this section, and shall have the authority to seize any
wild animal held in violation of this section. A county society for the
prevention of cruelty to animals must obtain a warrant before seizing a
wild animal or arresting a person who owns or possesses a wild animal
under this section. Wild animals seized or surrendered pursuant to the
provisions of this section shall be transferred to a duly incorporated
wildlife sanctuary as defined in this section, or a zoological facility,
or shall be humanely euthanized. Any costs associated with seizing,
transferring or euthanizing a wild animal shall be borne by the person
who owned, harbored or possessed the animal. The department shall also
have the authority to seek injunctive relief in any court of appropriate
jurisdiction to prevent continued violations of this section.
9. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person who
knowingly breeds a wild animal or knowingly possesses, owns, harbors,
sells, barters, transfers, exchanges, or imports a wild animal for use
as a pet in violation of the provisions of this section shall be subject
to a penalty of not more than five hundred dollars for the first offense
and not more than one thousand dollars for a second and subsequent
offenses. Each instance of breeding, owning, harboring, sale, barter,
transfer, exchange, or import of a wild animal in violation of this
section shall constitute a separate offense.
10. Nothing contained in this section shall prevent any city, town or
county from enacting more restrictive provisions governing the
possession of wild animals for use as pets.

What if I want a bear for a pet? that would be pretty BA

yeah like all laws in this state, its hard to decipher what it actually means, lol. the Piranha falls into this category also

:stuck_out_tongue: I think it means “You can’t do it, but if you really want to we’ll let you for an annual fee.”

Bear fucker: Do you need assistance?!

All i have to say if you buy a monkey, DON’T GET CAUGHT without the permit. The DEC is not to be taken lightly, lol

lol, I see that people can have domestic black bears…I wonder if this would fly in NYS


i can see the news now… half of new york auto forum members mauled by wild animals used as pets… fortunately, they all had permits obtained before their deaths

if I was to get a weird pet I would purchase a hedgehog.

Tazmanian devil FTW!!!