Where is Travis?

I was just looking at some old threads… wheres travis does he not come on here anymore or what?

Autooutcast is travis

ohhhh yeah see i didnt know that i was still loooking for his old name

He only comes on here after he fails and somebody makes a post about the fail.


Another Failvas thread


he’s probably busy working…



B-Mobile in for the kizzill!

J-Mobile…whats up

No way, he won $1500 at the casino he doesn’t have to work, maybe he moved out and doesn’t have the Internet yet…oh wait he’s only 26 who would move out before then???

relaax guys dont send the mods into a ban frenzy ,when trav cries and gets his way

Ehh I’m okay with it

what trav cryin or banning??? cause i think seein trav cry would be funny


Both I’ll just give Singh a big hug haha but anyway last I heard travis was trying to figure out his taxes and still doesn’t understand why he is still being claimed by his mom that prolly takes some time to wrap your brain around


dont ya need to work to do taxes i dont think gambling is a taxable thing ,and if it is he needs out of state papers dont he

W-2g form playa I smell an audit and just so happens I know the right people to make it happen

you wont do it ,:gtfo although id love to see it:D