My computer did a system update a few weeks back,and when it came back up, my start bar and desktop items were MIA.
Turns out explorer.exe won’t stay running. I can run the task, but the bar flickers in the bottom, and then disappear quickly.
I don’t have ANY of my windows cd’s with me so i can’t re-install windows, and a system restore did nothing.
The computer still works, it’s just a bitch to navigate without the taskbar.
Any ideas on what i can do?
are you sure it’s not hidden in any of the sides? hold the mouse on all 4 sides to make sure it won’t pop out…
OK, there are a few starter things you can do.
first off, open Task Manager. Either CTRL ALT DEL and choose it, or quicker, CTRL SHIFT ESC
go to File ->> Run ->>
type MSCONFIG and go to Startup tab. Choose the Disable All at the bottom, and restart the computer. See if that helps the Explorer.exe stay open. If so, its a software issue with something that starts on windows. use MSCONFIG to find it, turning one item on at a time.
If that doesn’t work, go to Task Manager. Run ->> CHKDSK /r
it will open a DOS window, asking you to choose. click Y for Yes. It will run Checkdisk on next startup
Then, try RUN->> SFC /scannow
this will run the system file checker. it will probably prompt for the windows XP CD. Have it handy.
Keep me informed