Where the fuck I've been.

Before I start, please do not turn this into a flame thread.

Everything kind of fell into the shitter the past month and a half. From to much school shit to finish out the year and graduate, from an internship where I was doing the work of two people, to my job where they fired most of the support staff, and I was left.

A friend and I were in an accident a two weeks ago. He was side swiped on the drivers side and was hurt pretty bad. He broke his leg, arm, and bruised a few ribs. I was lucky and got saved by an airbag.

Family shit hasn’t been going to well either. My brother has been in and out of the hospital for sparatic bleeding from his eyes and ears that the doctors cannot figure out, so I have been worrying to death about that.

I’ve been so backed up with shit, its gotten to the point to where my phone has been cancelled because I forgot to pay a month.

Bish, I am apologizing to you for falling off the face of the planet. I hope you understand. The bike is the least of my concern right now. My world has been colapsing and I believe I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

I dont post here much, frankly because I dont have the time. Life sucks, and will until August.

Welcome to my life!

thank you,

You’ve made my day sound 10x better

It gets better… you sound like you are where I was this time last year… don’t worry yourself to death… get things straightened out one thing at a time!

Sorry to hear bout that shit man,i have been down that road lots of times and all i can say that it willl be worse b4 it gets batter and u look as if ur almost through the worst part,just take everything in stride and keep your head up. Things will change for the better and they say evrything happens for a reason which i am a firm beleiver in.

kit all works out in the end. remember this is what builds your character whether you like it or not

Good luck, and I’ll say a prayer for your brother (that sounds pretty scarey!)

Well man, i really hope things get better for ya… stick through it, it’ll come through

Sean Like I said before you need any help let me know.

Friend passed away this monday from a heart attack. I’m asking that you guys keep him in your prayers.

Derek A. “Ike” Eisenhauer

wow man, sounds like ur going through a very tough time!! stick with it, and things will get better, ur friend and brother are in my prayers!

wow,sorry to here

sorry to hear about your situation, just try and stay positive and keep your head up…everyting that happened is out of your control so keep that in mind…

cheers mate :wink: