Where to buy a Jesse McCartney poster???

Don’t even think about putting this in the undertones thread!!!
My niece wants a poster for Christmas.
Walmart does not have them.
Where else would sell this crap locally?

Hopefully nowhere and you will be doomed to order it online :slight_smile:



Spencer’s or Hollywood collectibles prehaps

Hopefully Spencer’s will have it.
If I have to pay to ship this crap I will be upset.:biglaugh:

You should be embarassed enough you have to go in to a store like spencers with a punk kid with 80000 piercings and ask him…“excuse me…but do you have any jesse mccartney posters?”



take a picture of a picture… bring it to wal mart. have them make a poster size photo of it (18 bucks)

it’ll be an original. no one will have one like it.



I love Jenny McCarthy.

just get her one and say you misunderstood. It will be funny. maybe not the playboy one…

If you accompany the jenny poster with your dick in a box, I’m sure a good laugh will be had by all.

I will be sitting in prison saying, “Some day we will all look back on this and laugh.”

^ lol

shit,didn’t notice the part about it being for your niece. Sorry…

^ I just thought you had a sick sense of humor.:biglaugh: