Where to buy Bride replica seats?

Im looking for a shop that sells bride replica buckets. Preferably the one in the pic. I remember seeing kijiji adds for a place in Scarborough but cant find those adds anymore. Anyone know of a place selling them?


Anyone know of a place? I need to pick one up before this weekend

automotive warehouse in Niagara always had them but not sure if they still do. they always had large inventory of seats and are open on saturdays and sundays.

At least buy ones that don’t say bride lol

The real deal might be $1000 but if it’s fia rated, you know it can take a beating

thanks, i will check out automotive tomorrow


buy one that is DRIFT SPEC

the place in Scarborough that sells the reps was called jspec, bought some from there before wasn’t really happy with it…go authentic or looker for cheaper seats not worth getting reps