Hey guys, I have up for sale a pair of Bride Seats originally intended to be installed into the 240, however the 240 has since been sold and I am left with these - brand new in packaging waiting to go to a new home and vehicle. They are side mount, strong fiberglass shell and identical replicas of the real thing. Yes, they are replica seats as many other ones out there, however these seats are just fine for those looking to purchase reasonable Bride - reps at a VERY reasonable cost. I am selling these for $500 FIRM because I would like these gone today, if not by the end of the weekend. I spent more than this to bring them into Canada (custom-charges) but they are doing no good sitting in my basement in their bubble wrap. Would look great in any 240, or any vehicle for that matter
My number is 416 525 6060, come pick them up today, no negotiating sorry ladies
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