Where to find stuff for Porting and Polishing: Carbide, Flapper, etc

Looking todo a weekend project. Anyone buy these materials for p&p locally?

check a welding store. they have a lot of the metal remval tools
aluminum is funny to work with so make sure you get the right bits for it.

summit got a decent kit

cylinder head abrasives, or CHA. Thats where I get my stuff from.

anything you do aluminum has to be low speed

Do not spin an aluminum carbide a low speed!

no not for cutting, for polishing lol

any well liked welding stores locally?

I wouldnt do much more then clean up the exhaust ports, without a way to measure what your doing, you could be just wasting your time on the intake.

oh, do not polish at low speeds either.

what are you talking about anyways? you can’t polish aluminum at high speeds you’ll burn and etch it

Well, I guess you can go too fast. I go as fast as I can without the rouge slinging right off. Every time I go slower is when it etches for me. You need the heat to get the metal to smooth over itself.

Hmmm, I’ve done stuff by hand before that came out great, I never thought you could go too slow, it just takes forever when you do it like that

heres a t-stat housing I did by hand, and my stock tips were done the same way.


I did some stuff by hand alone a while ago. It came out really well. Once you use a wheel and get some heat into it the finished product is alot better.

hmmm, I’ll have to look into it further