Where to get Quaife Installed?

do u know anything about me cause i def graduated. but good try

lol, I’m kinda an asshole I suppose. The fuck you may have been harsh if you don’t know me :slight_smile: Anyhow, there are probably only a few tranny shops in the area that would “guarentee” the work anyway because anything performance can break, it’s that simple. I’d be willing to bet any money even if they fucked up they would pull it apart again and tell you something else in your tranny went anyway. The couple day turn around time may be tough as well due to shimming and proper clearences as stated a bunch of times above. I was asking to see it because I’ve only rebuilt about 5 different types of trannies. If there are any special tools required that I don’t have, I’d tell you I can’t do it. I have however installed roughly 40 LSDs amongst these different trannies. The only probs I have ever run into involved a shitty OBX differential with axel fitment (the actual, diff install was perfect). The only other rebuild problem I’ve run into was a grinding/semi-non functional reverse because when I was rebuilding, the customer didn’t want to spend the extra dough for a new reverse assembly.

Anyway, thanks everyone for backing up the rep. But let’s stop arguing because I’m a prick sometimes. This guy apparently didn’t know because we don’t advertise yet (coming soon). And I’m not super customer friendly all the time. I just like to wrench, I deal with people all day at my regular job :slight_smile:

A. I know that other kid, he was an idiot in high school and still sounds like an idiot now.

B. A stock maxima with an open diff sux pretty bad so i want a quaife and thats all. If itll make that much of a difference, itll be worth it. I dont like to spend money on mods because thats money that for the most part I will never see again. Like I said, this would be worth it for me.

you really know me? cause i have no clue who you are. you sound like someone who is on the defense because they obviously posted something stupis so u made a attempt at mocking me but your informations false. i am done here but good luck on getting your quaife installed

are you more concerned with arguing with ppl or installing a diff?

Carefull, I used to work there. They like learning as they go sometimes…

I just dont like people like nitroinsane who contribute absolutly nothing to the thread.

what is the proper preload for a maxima?

i know on my dodge FWD trannies you add shims and reinstall the diff and use a special tool that goes where the axle is and spin the diff and measure the “drag” in ftlbs.


you mean a pussy fart?

You want it done right, but you wont even CONSIDER driving ~50 miles to have it done right. You’re obviously new to modding cars.

Granted, I dont know most of you on here but I had work done at hybrid years ago and they were great. If the shops that you guys are recommending are comparable to them, then ill check them out. Even if that means driving 90 miles to jamestown, which i wouldnt be able to do til spring.

No offense to Don at all, but Interprep is on a totally different level than Hybrid. Look at the website, poke around there a bit. Look at what he does and has done.

Ive done a few

I will. Thanks for the help.

Every time I see the word “Quaife” I think it’s “queef”.

i had mine installed by northtown toyota. i dont remember what i paid but it wasn’t rediculous. so consider trying a nissan dealer.

did you bring them a quaife and have them install it or did you get a toyota LSD installed? Thx.

i bought the quaife beforehand and brought it to them. my original plan was to have hybrid install it, but don was too booked up to get it done before a track day/lapping event i participated in. so i decided to try out the dealer and i was very happy with their work. they had their best technician work on the car and its worked flawlessly ever sinse. and btw…this was before TRD offered a diff, infact i was on quaife’s waiting list and was one of the first to receive the LSD when they came out with it. so it wasnt a common practice at the toyota dealer when i had the work done. but they were still eager to take on the challenge and did a great job.

I thought 02 maximas already had a decent LSD from the factory?

This would be my suggestion as well, they know the cars and are more likely, imo, to make sure its done right.