where to go for a small loan w/ bad credit

long story short guy backed out infront of my gf his insurance company refuses to make a determination of fault
(hers says it was his fault when he filed a claim) and tottaled out her car so now my daily is her daily and what was going to be my race car is now my daily (needless to say a car with a roll cage a seat no heater or defrost and no radio make a lame ride to work.

i need a small loan for about a grand and dont know where to loook or evan apply does anyone know of a good place to start? thanks in advance for the help


is your gf hot?


JD ghetto rider

I’ll loan you $1,000 if you pay me back $2,000.

sucks bro… that’s the whole thing though, people don’t go anywhere for loans with bad credit.

Civic loans. They specialize in usury…

does pittsburgh have buy here pay here lots like we do in central florida? like there is one on every corner down here.

I’ll loan you $1,000. 100% interest, 90 days to repay with proper collateral.

looks like i may have founnd a lot to finance me for something if not guess ill just keep looking