Where to place Whiteline subframe spacers?

Ok, so I jacked up the car to see where to place these spacers.

I have an idea as to where one of them goes (as shown in first pic), but
not sure about the 2nd one. According to the Whiteline install guide, it
only shows them using 2 spacers per side, so what happens with the other
two small spacers in the package (the package comes with 2 large and
4 small spacers).

I’ve searched all the major 240 boards, but nothing really useful. I think
there is one thread on 240sxforums that has some pictures, but I am
still a little confused.

Here’s an under car pic (driver side rear):

Here’s Whiteline’s install guide:

Please avoid commenting on under body salt or whatever, k. thx. :squint:

yea im a bit unclear on that aswell. if you find out lemme know. thx

Bob told me where they go so I believe I have an idea. In anycase, I
will take pictures and write up so anyone who can’t see my car in person
can tell where the spacers are (for those that have no clue where the
subframe is or whatever). :slight_smile:

post how they feel too Gonad. If they make noticable difference I’ll prob grab them.

^^^ Hold off on that thought. I will have to talk with my dad to see if
he could make these outta solid aluminum. They’ll be a little noisy but
should give same (if not better) feel as the PDM ones.

The PDM ones now sell for $85USD (you’re looking at almost $120CAD
if you want a set). :slight_smile:

hey guys, energy suspension just released a hyperflex master bushing kit for the s13. Just read it in Modified. Go check the website out. I’m sure it’lll be much cheaper than whitline stuff.

The Energy kit doesn’t include the T/C rod bushings, subframe spacers,
and the sway bushings are useless if you buy Whitelines cuz the
Whitelines already come with the bushings…

Other then whitelines, your other options (for sways) are Suspension
Techniques which is cheaper but not adjustable, and the expensive ones
from Tanabe, Cusco, etc.

i think tanabe only makes ones for S14

The picture and article i have infront of me says componates are front/rear control arms, fron/rear sways(i agree this is useless) and rear subframe inserts.

I can clearly see the subframe inserts and 30 different bushings. If i had a scanner here i’d post it.

My only point was that this is a cheaper alternative to buying the whitline product.
Also, the argument could be made about the TC rod bushings. They are also useless if you buy aftermarket tc rods.

sorry i know this should be in car chat, or in it’s own topic.

Well here is where you place the bushings. These are different spacers
you can buy in the US (aluminum ones)…


Gonad is your dad going to make solid aluminium ones?

Im Intrested if he does.