Where to take a Skyline fo OOP

So i talted to this shop two weeks ago and i booked my car in for an ou of province inspection there. He said i wont need a third brake light, daytime running lights, and corner marker lighs.

So i go to pick my car up and it has no mechanical issues but they said i need to change out my headlights, add more strenght to my stock bumper rebar, need front marker lights, third brake lights and daytime running lights.

Only thing i think is fair to add is third brake lights, day time running lights and maybe the corner lights.

I dont want to change out my headlight or want to welb more meter in my rebar.

The shop also tried to scam me with a thing or two but i cought them and i refuse to ever deal with them again.

I am hoping somebody knows a shop that is no so anal about this shit so if you know please PM me or post it thanks.

unfortunatly i think most shops are this anal… there is a real prejudice against RHD’s now… if it were me i would just go to canadian tire and the junk yard, and get some DOT approved lights then zip tie them and wire them into the car then take them off once the car passed.

if you dont like my solution… i think there is a place somewhere around 82st and 112ave near the LRT tracks, i can’t remember the name though… i always see freshly imported RHD’s there (i think they do DJ auto’s inspections cause its usually their cars)

It is not what you think is fair but it is what is in writing as mandatory requirements unfortunately. If the shop was going to be lenient on a few things then it is their issue if it comes back to anyone so I can see after they got your car in they realized the risk of letting that pass.

Get some Honda Accord headlights, wire up some markers and DRLs and strengthen the front bumper support. It will be worth a day of work to get your car on the road and this behind you than taking your car to a variety of shops and getting charged $100+ each time and still no paperwork is resolved

I work for a shop that does OPI’s and I have read the book, there is no outright prejudice against RHD’s. The simple fact of the matter is the Gov’t doesn’t want unsafe cars on our roads period. If i were to let something simple slide, our shop could lose our license. The guidelines are VERY specific, and it’s basically the tech’s credentials on the line if something were to happen as a result of something being dismissed. I’ve personally owned a Skyline for 2 years and know the pain of restoring an older vehicle, I lucked out on my car because at the time nobody knew anything about them, so the tech passed it no problem, now it’s not so easy.

Try Inspectors on 99st

Tons of USDM cars don’t have side marker lights.

And how come when I called a shop and asked if they do OOP’s they said “Yes, no problem. Wait…is it RHD? No we won’t work on that.”

That doesn’t sound prejudice to me.