Which blackberry keyboard?

OK looks like my i730 ate it. Probably time for a new one and I’m probably going to go blackberry. I could either get a pearl because it’s cheap and I love the form factor, but I think I would miss the full qwerty keypad. So I could get an 8703 off of ebay and then get a curve once it’s released. I don’t like the 8803 world phone.

I like everything about the pearl the best, but I’m not sure if I would like/could deal with the suretype keypad.


i love the suretype.

curve will be out begining of may.

8703 is old news.

keep in mind the blackberry $30 plan

once you go blackberry you probably wont go back.

Zong has the half-keyboard phone. I feel like I would get annoyed with it. I couldnt imagine life without qwerty

Yeah the 8703 would just be to hold me over until my ne2 in…December. :hang:

i got the 8830 about a month ago and i love it. Full keyboard and it does everything id like it to do. Well almost everything. Im not fimiliar with the pearl but i guess sometimes biggers better.


Nevermind. Apparently I bought my i730 (for $99 mind you) on April 26, 2007. So my warranty was still good until the end of… TODAY!

So I got a brand new i760 for free. :pimp:

:tup: to that… good luck is on your side…