which gear?

where is the dildo ???

Do wat now

mmm hmmm

I will believe it when I see it.

I sure hope its stronger on Motor now then on the nitrous before…you trapped what? 107 on a 75 shot???

yeah ,breakin up ,i wanna get it to the track this yr again just to see what it has on motor


hahaha i couldnt resist…:lol

needs the driver mod ;)… both the op AND slowmarro…lol


ill burn it

what up sesy

pot meet kettle

awfully hard to misshift an auto lover :wink:

thats why adam and purple smoked ya …i gotta line off against purple soon :ponder

shifting while someone else is in the gas is a bit of a disadvantage… if only i hit those gears :facepalm


[quote=88slowmarro;439683] what up sesy

hey babe

when u and i goin cruisin ,and by cruisin i mean you givin me roadhead as i show you how to drive your car

sorry bud… i think adam and i woulda been dead even… but he won … not taking anything away from him. his car’s a runner… and as for jaz… i had him by 1/2 a car out of the hole and my fuckin tranny blocked me out of 2nd… it woulda been a raping… but whatever… a loss is a loss

whatever makes ya sleep at night lololol

how does it make you feel that my lil 4cyl was faster than ur built v8 johnny drama? lol

what did you cut for a 60ft at the track?

1.709 was best 60’

this was my best pass though:
60’ 1.716
330’ 5.114
1/8 7.896
mph 89.82
1000’ 10.307
1/4 12.339
mph 111.30