which gear?

lololololol what now kid?

ahhh richie you fuck

get the car tuned yet or still stalling at stop lights? lol

hahaha 7.0;s with 2.8 60’ ha

As cool as it would be to have an 8 second car, Id honestly have more fun with my 11/10 second ride. There are actually people in that bracket, and I can get a race off without having to set something up from outta state and shit lol. Plus, 9> on the street gets a bit scary!

ahhhhhh ,ya know richie ha ? oh yeah ya copy catted his car :ahh

exactly ,a 11 sec car on the street is movin

lol i wish, block cracked

Dont get me wrong, I still want faster, but on the street it feels kinda snappy!

I have a MS3, hes got a MS4…

He’s got a WS6, I have a SS.

Yah, copied alright.

:cry I couldnt believe that when ya told me it!! When we wetsanding you black bitch??

lmao if ya wana copy it now beside gear, make sure your break the block!

ms stick ,tsp rummbler ,cant drive , yeah i got it all check:lol

Richie I sent you a PM

Big R is gonna pop your head off your shoulders John :lol

i just got my car back up and runnin ,spun 3 rod bearings

asap ill call ya tom.

please ,the fuckin guy cant even lift his arm past his waist .im not scared at all:lol

ok cool

LS?WS.6 = richie w/ black f body?

Noooooooooooo :retardclap