Which Head Unit Brand Do You Prefer?


This has only been dead for a month, but I feel like putting in my $.02. For what it’s worth, one of my cars runs an alpine 9831 and the other runs an Eclipse 3434 and neither run on their internal amplifiers.

The fact is, when you buy a nakamichi deck, you’re not buying it for glitzy graphics (frankly most new decks make me want to hurl my lunch), you’re not buying it for the ability to play garbage quality media, you’re buying it because you appreciate quality over all else, regardless of the other compromises.

The problem with audio, especially in such a flawed platform as a car, is that not only is it a very expensive hobby with very diminishing returns, but the acoustic environment of a car is horrific.

Honestly, the jump from factory to a nice basic deck, 4 channel, and decent 3 ways is huge. Going from there to components with their own crossovers is big, but not as big as the first jump. From there, you start getting into the botique level stuff, and some people can and do appreciate that.

Is it the right thing for the average person in their daily driver playing the radio or listening to mix cd’s? Of course not.

It doesn’t mean that it’s not still better. :wink:


I hear you completely. I also agree about how most headunit designs do look like shit. I would love to hear one of these units but from the specs it doesn’t look like it’s worth my coin.