Which Political Party are you?

I would imagine that growing up in a gay household where both parents loved each other and provided a stable and loving upbringing would probably be better than growing up in a household with a mom and day who constantly fight, drink heavily, beat up their kids and each other, and then get a divorce when they are 10… but somehow all those kids all seem to manage to grow up alright.

come on now…keep it on topic…regardless
this is a good discussion going on

it goes beyond that. there are many other privelages awarded to spouses besides tax breaks.


Therapeautic Drug use, is definitely something that should be researched. I believe there are other alternatives to medicinal marijuana though. But there are labs that do testings on that particular drug under the government supervision. Just because some independant scientists wants to grow his own weed, and begin finding cures with it, does not that right. It seems to shady. If you want to do it, do it right.

:stick: means I was taking a stab at you. Jokingly. Don’t take me too serious. And I do agree with what you put. This country is so far off of the values and morals that it was founded under that I don’t think it will ever get better. The left is ruining our country will their socialist agenda. They have the schools and media on their side. It’s only a matter of time until christian conservatives are few and far between. (2 or 3 generations)

i hope he’s not in a catholic school…

so two atheists couldnt go to the justice of the peace and get married?

not all parents "constantly fight, drink heavily, beat up their kids and each other, and then get a divorce when they are 10… "
so that is not a great synopsis of the American Family
yeah some families have problems…obviously thats life…

deal with it and move on

the republicans and democrats are both federalist governments now… they both increase the size of government. i know what the republican platform is supposed to be, but it hasn’t been “smaller government” since before nixon.

the problem is everyone is loosing there moral backgrounds that are grandparents had and the country was founded on…the country is getting to liberal

youre not reading what I wrote Mike. The State uses the Judao-Christian values as its basis for civil union. The JP was a non religious alternative for those who did not want/afford a Church wedding. They will turn away no Male-Female Couple based upon religious belief. But, like stated, that is pretty much one of the only things the state borrowed from the Judao-Christian basis.

Like stated before, and in every US history book. We are based off those values, but not exact replicas of it.

yeah like health care. Let’s all pay for adam and steve’s AIDS treatments with higher insurance premiums. Do they have a payal account? I can just wire them the money and save blue cross the time of billing them.

MOTHER FUCKING WORD! and its totally ok to go and get trashed every night at the bar, then stumble back to your house. But if you sit in your house and spark up a bowl, they can break down your door and put you in jail.

Liberals in my mind hold everyone back from making forward progress in technology and life because they cannot let go of their ways…

while I partly agree with you. This country is not getting to liberal, but it is getting to “wuss” like. People take offense to way to much anymore.

I’m sorry but, if “Under God”, or anything else so trivial for that matter, offends you to the point that you need protest and therapy to make it all better. Then maybe you should readjust your xanax prescription a bit higher to be able to cope with the harshnesses of reality and people not agreeing with you.
(this second half of the post was not meant toward you eric)

Neither Kerry or Bush will legalize weed so just give up that argument and move on to something else.

US Government studies have found marijuana to be beneficial as a therapeutic drug. Which concurs with the thousands of people that have to buy it off a street corner so they can eat their dinner and not puke it right back up after taking a double shot of chemotherapy. There is not really any question as to wether or not its beneficial.

wuss and liberal are synonomous.

I didnt say they did, but people were alluding that it would be impossible for a loving gay family to raise a child without fucking it up.