but i think the LP platform is crazy…
the Greens know where it’s at.
but i think the LP platform is crazy…
the Greens know where it’s at.
Ok if you have a legitimate reason (staying alive) then have your marijuana
Gay marriage…EXAMPLE AND EXAMPLE only…say you are the son of a gay male couple in 100words tell me how your life is gonna be affected because your “dads” are gay.
Just another excuse for a whiny bitch that was not treated nice by society
Stop the cause and you dont have that problem!
send the check to me then…i give a fuck about 300
well whn i go overseas i am on tax free status…win win for me
Again with Seperation of Church and state. Consider how long our current currency has been around. A lot complain about the addition of “Under God” in the pledge back in the 50’s for the wholesoming of America. Remember our currency has not changed in quite some time, with the phrase “IN GOD WE TRUST” on every piece. Just food for thought.
Dont be so ignorant. I know you are smarter than that. Wether or not you agree with that type of lifestyle (I certainly dont), I would think that as an American we should respect their right to equal treatment.
fuck them…and do you want health teachers to teach about this
Gay marraige has nothing to do with Church vs. State. Marraige in the eyes of the government has nothing to do with religion. Its a civil union, and it should be afforded to people regardless of gender.
Hell no. I moved into Belle Vernon primarily because it is the best district in the Mon-Valley, but I won’t hesitate to pull the girls out for private school if the teachers feed them their liberal agenda.
fuck them? Why? Just because they’re the minority? Because you dont perosnally agree with their lifestyle? Seriously, I want an answer.
I wasn’t stating an opinion. I was stating a Political Fact on why the system is the way it is. I feel you will agree with me on that aspect.
I did not anywhere state why Gay marriage is unmoral, etc etc. Nor did I chastize anyone’s actions. But what I stated is public information found in pretty much any US history book. (US Church vs State) As well as (US Theocratic Basis)
less government > more government.
Gay marriage should not be an issue with an election.
If you ‘love’ someone spend your life with them.
Dont ‘love’ someone to get ‘married’ to get a tax break
get over it
people do whatever they can to save a buck
my son is in a private school for a reason…i dont need the gym teacher telliing little boys how to take it in the ass
Unfortunately you are semi wrong Mike. The State makes its basis on Civil Union by its religious basis. In this case, Judao-Christian.
i really have never felt the affects of government…have you?
I pay tax, I vote, I abide the law
I have a great life…why change???
tell that to women getting caesarians, or people who are horribly burned/mutilated in Intensive Care… the fact is, there are many drugs that are largely beneficial.
look past any recreational use for marijuana and look at its therapeutic usage. there are many undergoing cancer treatments that leave them without an appetite… if they don’t eat, they weaken further… is it such a big deal if their doctor prescribes them some pot? it’s a plant! it’s practically homeopathic. we’re fine with the idea that people pop Percocet & Vicodan for dental work, but grass isn’t ok for cancer patients?
I understand there’s the possibility that its ability to be prescribed could be abused, but who on here doesn’t know someone whose taken prescription pain pills when they could have just taken an Advil? Fuck, half of the yuppie soccer moms in NA pop Valium when their PMSing…
then why would you vote for Kerry then? Considering the Democratic stance is to have Government have it’s hands in every social program etc etc that you can think of.
The Republicans are more toward leaving it upon the citizen to make up their own minds, while only putting their hands in whats needed.
becaiuse of my morals and religous up bringing …but i am not getting into my religion its a waste o mine and your time