While you're at it, say hi to the new Senate MAJORITY Leader


Glad I can cross “Kick republican ass up and down the electoral block” off my list of things to do today.

Can’t wait until 08!


wtf is this crap

It looks like my friend John M. lost some money on this election LOL

Virginia is going to a recount. My party wins recounts.

Allen’s not going to press the recount.

<---- HOLLA!


where is your god now faggots

VA is 100% electronic, not like FL “chads” or things where paper ballots stick together, etc…

and jays, your party wins recounts when the political mechanism to do them is republican. VA is democrat thanks to tim kaines victory last year as their governor.

Joe your avatar rocks

Electronic voting != no recounts.

In fact, Virginia already had a recount with their fancy new electronic voting machines.


Since they aren’t certifying the vote until the 27th, I’d say they’re getting ready.

Allen’s not pushing, if he’s not pushing, it’s not looking good for him

PS - The initial winner in the AG race was still the winner after the recount

Hart InterCivic, a company from AUSTIN, TX provided those e-voting machines. I’m sure GW has a dialup to those machines to set the totals to what ever he wants.

Can he even push for a recount before the vote is certified?


and yes


Sure. He can come out and say “I’m fighting this call, etc… etc…”

right, it was all you.

dude, politics / government isn’t some fucking GAME like you seem to think it is. :beer:

I know, that’s why I vote with my brain and not my bible!

rofl at the freepers flipping out…

hey Jay, Moffitt, AWDrifter

In the words of Karl Rove “GET OVER IT”

And after all the bullshit your political asshats have pulled the last 6 years, we’re STILL going to reach across the isle and strive for 2/3 on every bill we bring up…You wont hear about getting rid of the filibuster from us.

I voted with my wallet and my brain. I’m hiding my wallet, because I know when your party gets done, they’re going to be dipping into it.

Do I need to go back and find all your posts from after the LAST election and show how well you got over it? I remember you “celebrating” how the economy was going to be in the toilet because Kerry and the Dems didn’t win. I think I’ve been pretty mature about the loss compared to how you acted last election.

If you don’t make over 200K/yr you wont be looking at a tax increase

Have I EVER represented myself as humble? I don’t think so. Not to mention your party needs to have it’s face shoved in it a little bit…where’s Karl with his “real math” now? :rofl:

Not to mention I was on the ground in OH and saw the dirty shit that the republicans did to win that in 04

Economy doing great? Congratulations, you FINALLY started heading into the black w/ the markets 6 years after taking office…do you want a cookie? Because you’re certainly not getting the big capital offices

thank you jesus, thank you sweet sweet beautiful jesus.

And im a republican :rofl:

