White fbody on Mcknight RD

Anybody know who drives that white firebird(pretty sure it was that and not a camaro)that is sometimes seen…or heard on McKnight RD? i heard the meanest exhaust flying down the road when i got out at circuit city and it happened to be a white fbird(late 90’s i think)

the owner

:wackit: u will die a horrible death…teletubiez will come get you in your sleep pewter…

Did it have blue stripes, big chrome wheels, and a big wing?

think i just threw up in my mouth

Everytime I see that one it reminds me of a nasa space shuttle :doh:

I did the first time I saw it, too. I’ve seen it several times on 19/McKnight

Be Rad: Nice way of putting it. Thing is ugly. Bastardized a perfectly good F-Body

i feel bad for your eyes!!

lol i only got like a .5 second glimpse at it…but i do remember big rims and a ugly wing…racing stripes i didn’t see though…most likely the same “nasa” fbody

I aint :scared:


/ u

no using admin powers thats cheating!


:nono: :bash: :slap: :fart: :stick: :asshole