White Trash Mart

We found us some plywood and done built a new eye fixin’ place!

Okay, so it’s actually under construction. Still struck me as funny.




ha ha ha


LOL. I hope they wrap up in there soon. Ever sinced they started this whole “re-construction” I can’t find shit in there. I’m totally lost!

i wonder what was for 15?

lol good pic!


Me too, haven’t been in there since they started. Half the aisles go one direction, the rest go another. I told my daughter it was the Obama store - it was changed just to say it was changed. :slight_smile:

that’s what the pharmacy in robinson looked like when they redid it. i walked in and was like wtf.

I LOL’d at that when I first saw it.


west mifflin walmart did this like 5 months ago.
bethel walmart > west mifflin walmart…
even tho both stores have the same retarded employees

but the w.mifflin one did it for taxes. it definately looks crazy white trash i love it cause i save so much money though. :eek4dance

did it for taxes?

during tax time they had an accountant there. the eye care place has been open for a long time.

oh your talking about the walmart special H&R block shit?

they moved their eye care place into that and redid the eyecare place and moved them back in… it looks exactly the way it used to be tho

I don’t get this thread. I guess should visit wally world more than once a year if that…

fuck WalMart.

even if you forget how ethically wrong WalMart is, Target and Costco have better shit than WalMart + Sam’s Club, at comparable prices.

As someone who used to make lenses for eyeglasses, I would NEVER trust my vision to WalMart. Or America’s Best. Eyeglasses have to be made to very strict tolerances to avoid headaches and nausea for the wearer.