White van guys

Good question. My mind was totally set on making some bucks on eBay… Shoulda known better. Maybe I can get this cash back, otherwise, shame on me.

I saw one of these guys before too, and he pulled it out and set the meat on my friends tailgate (an entire box) and forget he left it there

This thread make me happy

if you buy meat out of the back of a truck, you deserve the food poisoning you probably will get.

Called them up, told them I hooked them up and wasn’t satisfied, and wanted to bring them back out. Guy said “OK, bring em out and I’ll just give you cash for them.” Cruise out and he breaks me off with 2 fresh Benjamins… out of a stack of I’d say about 10 grand. He wasn’t worried about those $200.

at least you got your cash back, shady fuckers

pretty sad if 10g there. makes you wonder just how many people got scammed