Who blogs?

No I mean you cant just post it on mywang.wordpress.com anymore and expect followers, you need to get it to social networking sites to get it read. That means linking it with FB/T/LI.

yeah it does take a lot to get followers.

I don’t generally post anything about it on facebook unless its event coverage. I get lots of hit fom forums and such like this though where i ave my blog in my sig and from other bloggers who have added me to their blogroll

For example, the only time I’ve read yours is when I saw it on Facebook. Just my own laziness. People can get all they want to read from 2-3 sites (FB/Twitter/LinkedIn) without going to 50 different individual blogs only to find out that 46 of those didnt update that day. Gotta link blogs to each of those.

wordpress uses a cool little previewer window so if you mouse over blogs i have linked in my blog roll you can preview it to see if there are new updates or not

To me blogging seems like a different word for pooping

That’s a pretty serious PJBism even for you, jellies.