**DEMO**The future blog site, once Singh is back.***

As some of you know, my web developer is still overseas on an extended “tour” and is coming back later then I hoped.

Before he left we were near the finish with the blog site but didn’t quite tie up all the lose ends.

Well we’ve been slow, I’ve only started on testing/writing a few of the articles in the mean time, but for the rest of you I’d like to check out what the blog site will look similar to.


That is just a very general demo, with all of things up in the air, but the main layout will most likely stay as I really like the format.

The blog posts will go in this order

  1. Quick blurb of each post with a picture and “…” to read more.
  2. Once read more is click, an entire article is displayed on it’s own page with “discuss” at the bottom.
  3. Once you click discuss, it leaves the blog site and goes onto the forum site where the article will be reposted automatically with it’s own thread where people can discuss it.

This way the blog will be a separate entity from the site and all the BS talk will happen on the forum, leaving the blog in good condition and clean.

Let me know what you guys think!

Looks good Vlad. The only thing I’d change is that on the ZR1, have the picture be something one of us took. That way it’s more orginal and not like R-Speed.

Looks good!

One suggestion; consider having a narrower format for the blog itself and make room for sidebar advertising. In addition, code the blog’s format so the advertising is always in frame if the reader’s display is less that 1024; for example if the reader had their favorite side bar active on their browser.

The main center picture (where the Zr1 is) will be a rotating banner of current articles, shown as a picture and a title. All the pictures on there now are just some stock photo’s that won’t be used so no worries about that. Not worried about Rspeed here, going quite a different route that most sites take. Most (such as Rspeed) put both blog and forum into one, I am however planning on keeping them different entities but connected. IE all the discussion and comments will be on the forum site. As we’ve seen the general comments are always a turnoff and ruin a lot if they are not separated. Examples Youtube, Myspace, our forums, etc.

Advertising is always in mind, and there will be a dedicated typical ad bar up on the top. However it’s not the priority by far and I’d rather keep the design as clean as possible instead of getting a buck. Hence why there still isn’t an ad on the forums. I do this because I want to and I enjoy doing it and if it costs me money well then you can call it a hobby.

If it does prove to be successful, then we can always add a bar later on and manage that.

I’d rather spend time on a photoshoot or an article rather then marketing management. But thank you sir for the suggestion!

Any other suggestions/ideas about a format?

I tend to like the look of the alternating ladder type. Where the first post Article is on the left and picture is on the right. However the following blog it’s reversed, with picture on the left article on the right and so on.

Also buttons.

Gallery will be where all the shoots of cars, shows, testing etc. It will either be in a categorized order by the event, or all just thrown together.

Video is self explanatory, so if Forums, Signup etc.

Any other buttons we should consider?

Also thinking of having a little box on the side where the titles of the last 5 active threads will be listed, which will re-direct to the forums.

Yep that worked out well.

I’m approaching two years now.

I’m going to fucking setup a Wordpress blog or use a cookie cutter design.

May no be perfect but I can do it in a day.

Srsly Singh

Yep there it is.

I think I was expecting it done in 2008 :frowning: