Who Can build honda motors around here?

Ok so I am waiting to get my honda motor built. Long story short one of the best honda motor builders is out with a bad back. I need to know who you guys recommend that can build a honda motor that is reliable and wont shit the bed in 3 months. I have heard opinions about abunch of different people on here but I want to know who can do it.

Its a b16a3 that needs the forged internals and the new valve train put in.

there are dozens

word,i can think of about 6 right now.and there on the boards

BRK does great work, did a honda motor for a friend of mine.

jims cyl head on hinman. he normally only does heads, but if you ask nicely he’s been known to do blocks. used to work for porsche/vw. good guy, i as well as my dad and uncle go there for all our motors

Innovative Tuning.

a ha!

don? seems like the best answer i can think of

have mindless build it for you


:word: he built my motor

Innovative, Andy!

I can’t build shit and do not know what I am doing.

^^^ LOL same here

ive seen 99civicsi does some good work

I hate engine assembly. Doesn’t calm my A.D.D. I’m doing my best right now to stay away from assembly till I have a really nice place/space set aside just for assembly. Thanks for the props though. :slight_smile: