Who can install a remote starter in my Civic???

I need a remote starter hooked up in my 96 Civic hatch. I already have the starter just need someone for ahalf hour to hook it up. Hows a case of beer sound for doing it? Anyone?


Word is he will also work for a gallon of milk.

fuck off brian…


ohhh sundays at the ming family ranch.

are the remote starters really easy to hookup?

I remember funkylemons did the compustar alarm in my truck and it took him a solid day.

What kind of remote starter? I can probably do it for you.

compustar is more involved than a cheap starter…not to mention a civic is one of the easiest cars to do a starter on. plus i know he solders (as do i) its also faster if you just do connectors.

CAKE! It’s not a 5 speed right?