Who do you think has the best Marketing Team?

arm and a leg…

I heart Porsche ads.

:rofl: “may cause bleeding from the anus, shrunken genitalia, total loss of body hair, or death.” but you won’t get dizzy any more!

and yeah, I did have labatts in my baby bottle, complete with rubber nipple so I wouldn’t feel left out :smiley: but that just proves my point, millions spent and it can’t change my mind on what propa beer is.

Aston Martin of Boston’s ad in the dupont registry:

"You know that feeling of satasfaction that comes from owning a Saturn?

Neither do we…

Aston Martin of New England"

lol. sorry, i had to toss that one in there

“the diamond invention”

Do u know how much they pay Roush Racing to put their name on that car


You know what their total sales are?


When i thought of Company’s/Products that advertise… I immediately thought of McDonalds, Snickers, Budweiser, Geico…

But I thought, hands down, Mini Cooper had the most creative marketing strategy. Granted, they spend a lot of money on their advertising, but look at the vehicle they brought to the US market. It was the complete opposite of what the US mainstream was… Large SUV’s. It’s a go-cart… a sweet one.

I so called it.

nope i would have to say the smoke company’s

Please, if that is the case then Daimler Chrysler are marketing gods for the PT Cruiser. The Mini is cute, thus it’s sales.

Although I do enjoy Mini’s comercials… oh no, you have G - Face:crap:

to a certain point, however you fail to realize that the rest of the people in this country know nothing other than Budweiser. I think the money on their advertising is very well spent and their marketing team is great.

All the advertising dollars in the world won’t change everyone’s minds about certain products.

Nobody said it…

The cranberry juice sales rep… It’s gettin in all the other juices…

Cranberry rep: "What do ya got? Grape juice? Cran-grape we’ll go 50/50… Apple? Cran-apple, 50/50… Porkchops? Cranchops, 50/50…

Back off cran man… why don’t you take your sales trophy and take a vacation or something…

~Brian Regan

I <3 Brian Regan.