who doesnt have power???

Lost power last night around 10:30pm unitl 12:30am, it was due to the down trees on western between police campus and eagle point. That section was still closed off this afternoon.

Going on about 24hrs of no power now.

24 whole hours? Wow, that’s a long time. Paul’s been running on at least 72hrs with no 4 wheel drive now.


the lake has mostly receded. I was there today its filthy as shit. They got it hard. route 9 around the river has shit down everywhere. Did some damage assessment at a job site on assembly point and they got his really hard. On house 3 down had a giant tree right through the middle of it.

9j in castleton is all flooded up to the Road the river is insane down there. Boat club is gone.

finally got power back

It’s cause ya showed up wit charged batteries lol

lol, yep. Thanks again.

So Kenny (offroadzj) is on his way back from Indy and apparently the Thruway is closed from 34a to 27 so that has to suck because I’m sure the roads off the highway (rte 5) have lots of closings also.

I got power back.
One massive tree fell down on a neighbors van, shit is totaled. Luckily no one was hurt. Unfortunately nothing fell down on the neighbors behind me.

just went to schoharie n took a buncha pics ima try to post em up here when i get power

I don’t mean to go off topic here, but do you have the original vid in your sig? Or at least point me in the right direction of the woman in it?

I don’t have pics but it’s ugly here too…most of the east side of town was under 8’ of water. Keene Valley is a disaster as is most of 9n. The AuSable River did a lot of damage. I got power back last night but won’t have any running water for days. The river wiped out the pump houses for both water and sewer. The grocery store in town is wasted and the only thing that appears to be open at this point is Stewarts.

You could literally drive through the building and they will still be operating while you are being towed out. :lol


Tried to get to Albany today, they had 7 and 88 east blocked. So backtracked to Sharon, thinking I could take 20 east, and got turned back. Ended up going to Cooperstown, didnt look like anything happened there at all. Then went to Oneonta, needed to get out of here for the day. And one of the larger trees that was directly in front of my cars, started to pull out of the ground, but luckily did not break or fall on them.


got that tree all cut up.

Welcome back to civilization.
