who doesnt have power???

Im starting to see videos pop up on YouTube from around here too, roads you take every day are not even recognizable.


Wow thats Rte. 4 up near Killington/Pico I drive that almost every weekend in the winter and if I didnt see the video title/ little center line grooves I would have never guessed it.

Cool, free autocross.

Route 100 on the other side of the mountain is toast too. Lots of roads here are gone or impassable.

Picos parking lot was flooded too:


I hope they get it sorta fixed before winter. I wanna do a week up at mad river this February.

100 is fucked. Through the Granville Gulf (between Rochester and Hancock) its really bad. No one could get in or out of Rochester until a couple days ago, I think most of 100 is closed from the Mass border to Waterbury anyway.

Shit. Waterbury got hit hard. I know the Alchemist was ruined. Maybe I’ll have to go the northway to plattsburgh and take the ferry then attack from that angle.

are you still “dissapointed” with this hurricane PJB ? what are you not happy your parents house didnt get taken to ? you really are an ignorant fuck

just got my internet back today…fuck twc all in one package:banghead

That’s unreal. I used to live in Rutland and would be at Pico everyday when Killington got too crowded with tourists. It’s a damn shame to see my old stomping ground like that.