who doesnt have power???

call in some of these guys.

Atleast they can build a good dam.


power here in slingerlands

So far mechanicville has power . And we always lose it lol

my area usually loses it too but its still on. We used to lose it constantly

Is it true if you dont use it, you lose it?

no idea. I am using the power


Paul, what color is the power?

blue. Ive seen blue sparks in outlets so it has to be blue

Incorrect. Try again.

OMG PJB WTFFFF :lmao :lmao

definately blue in my house so thats my final answer.

Ashes to ashes dust to dust , if it wasn’t for my hand my cock would rust

Just spent a couple hours unplugging foundation drains

damn that sucks dude.

So far we still have power in plattsburgh. The fucking rain softened the ground up enough for a half dead tree in the yard to uproot and fall over into the damn fence though.

I’m like a mile or 2 away from you and my yard is flooded, bro! I lost power around 1:30am and it came back somewhere around 5, went out again around 8 and came back on around 10. Been going strong since.

I was actually quite surprised (read: disappointed) that not a single tree came down in my yard. I have about 100 extremely tall pines on my property that seem like they want to come down and I was hoping one would come ripping through the house so I could get paid.

Holy shit. Im so happy I still have Shift518 and PJB to pull me trough no cable and cant go anywhere :rofl

well then its a good thing Ive got cable because Ive got Roadrunner internet

I do to, and only the internet is working, just incredible slow. So now Cobleskill is flooded pretty bad. Havent seen the news or anything recently, no idea if that dam went or what.

just regular rain here now, nothing exciting. Im disappointed in this hurricane.