Why you going out to a restaurant while we’re in a state of emergency is what I’d like to know.
because PJB
Without 4x4! Paul, what if you had gotten STUCK?
Why not? Im not gonna let a little rain and some fallen trees fuck up my plans.
We took my mom’s awd Santa Fe. Wouldnt have needed 4wd anyway, your girly car wouldve made it just fine.
I do more hauling with my girly car than you do with your 4 WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP TRUCK, PAUL.
Id like to see you haul an atv with it without a trailer.
I don’t need an ATV.
apparently I dont either since I havent really ridden it more than a half hour in over a year.
Oh well.
I do normally haul a few bikes every Sunday in the truck though.
Well my internet is slow as balls and I cant get these pics to upload, but Middleburgh is underwater. Where 145 goes past that farm on the right, and the town is on the left next to the water. Looks like a lake.
my pool is cresting
Sand lake is in a state of emergency. Our roads are washed out and there is only emergency travel allowed. Dumb fucks are driving thru washed out roads. Cant wait to see how many will be hydro locked on the side of the road.
the town over from me…the village of schoharie, is under water…2 towns over from me the village of middleburgh is under water…the blenheim area, from what im told, is GONE…every house, every farm, is GONE…a friend around the corner from me lost his house around 7pm…he happens to be a firefighter and an emt…the old stone fort in schoharie, i can only assume will have minor water damage(one of the highest structures in schoharie)…water is up over the bridge going into schoharie…guys this is rough to even concieve for me…this isn’t just a little water /thread pjb…peoples entire 2 story houses are under water…houses that have been there for over 100 years…the library in schoharie (which was part of the underground railroad) is under water…idk even know what else to say
Pretty sure Colonie is in a state of emergency yet idiots (my brother) feel the need to go out and drive around for no reason. Dumb. Yeah guys, let’s take out our cars with cold air fenderwell intakes and drive around knowing the roads are flooded. Great idea.
do any of you guys have pic’s? i litterally am only looking at some very small branchs on the ground and thats it
i have power, cable, and am dry as a bone
post some pics, i have friends down there that i havn’t heard from
Well, we’re officially flooded. The waters took our dumpster away. It was a rather big one. And it’s gone. I would get pics, but it’s too dark.
EDIT: I still have power and internet obviously.
this is middleburgh about 10 miles from me towards gilboa
bridge street in schoharie 5 miles from me…this bridge sits up over 60 feet feet from the water
omg, thats just crazy to look at, has to be alomst a mile wide river, in the middle of a town