who doesnt have power???


Damn, if it was light out, I would post vids of my property.

Wheres that?


middleburgh on the flats…the town is gone!!!


schoharie backed up to mobil and the funeral parlor…that was hrs ag…creek is about 1/2 mile from where this was taken

145 S heading into Middleburgh.

145 S heading into Middleburgh.



thats nut’s to see the bridge completely covered

its not good… not good at all…my father went for a ride…made it to the ballfield in schoharie before he had to run around…he said " I have never seen the water that high, ever. I’m scared what tommorow will bring"

where we are is relativly safe…granted we’ll be keeping an eye on it but we shouldn’t get flooded…but then again 10 inches of rain in a few hrs is alot more than anyones ever seen

Wow, those pictures are intense.

Wow and I though we had it bad! Prayers! Just wow

Gonna go check out the valley again now.

take more pics

this bridge…used in the tag-o-rama thread…probably most likely wont be there tommorow night:’(:Idiots:ohnoes

GL the road is closed in about 5 spots now. Washed away…

i hear that bridge is GONE now, not just damaged, but straight up not there at all

i know the blenheim bridge is gone ill confirm the schoharie bridge tomm…the sick part is that the bleinheim bridge surpassed a flood in the 30’s…and its lasted another 80 yrs before being taken down…back when man used to build quality…and not garbage…

At the valley now. Its horrible. Worse than the last time. Trailers in the back feild are under water up over the tires and thats all i coulf see next to the street. Its up over the jersey barriers in the dirt track as well. Really bad.

damn…its not even bad in Schenectady, was like a normal rainy day, minor accelerated winds