WHo Drives a Black EVO VIII?

He’s got MR wheels. I dont think it’s an MR cuz it doesnt have the MR roof and spoiler is not complete CF. He acted like an ass. I was driving my Lexus and he floored his car, cut me off, and sped away. I am like…wtf??? Dont act like a tool and drive an evo! I was checking out ur car because I believe it looked nice and you dont have to show off how slow it is. He had to turn his head ALL the way 180 degrees to check for clearance. It looked quite stupid. Who turns their head around all the way anyway? I never look behind my shoulder when switching lanes. I glance with the corner of my eye and use my mirrors.

damn evo drivers…THEY ARE EVERYWHERE…is someone giving this crap away?

Sorry brother. If I cut you off I didn’t mean it. . … .still getting used to seeing over the big spoiler and blind spot over the rear headrests!:roll:


And people that are possessed.

So let me get this straight… A possesed owl cut you off?

sometimes i have to turn around to see past the very large blind spot my car has

i have to sometimes stick my head out the window to see around the corbeau seat…

is it you? I wanna see your car. The car looks amazingly clean. You sped off too fast for me to check it out so I got kinda pissed off. LOLz. I dunno why but I am having the ladie’s PMSing stuff…weird.

I might be at Bao on sunday.----> you gonna be there? I wanna check out some rides too.

You don’t have MR wheels.

john there is no way you can honestly say when you first got the evo you were not turning your head a good amount because you werent used to the wing

after a short while you get used to it =P but this kid has only had his like a month and it’s not his daily

and MR’s don’t have a a complete CF wing, what are you talking about lol

:roll2: I look over my shoulder just to double check its clear.

:Word: If I’m in a 4 door sedan especially. Mirrors don’t cover everything.

yea i look over too when i know theres traffic… so i don’t wind up being the idiot who almost merges into another car like i see every day

It does take some getting used to :eekdance:

Sam was rocking the MR wheels while is other evo was getting repairs, could have been him. But hes a good dude im sure he didnt do it to be a dick.

You drive a Lexus? Then you deserved it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, before I lanechange I climb out of my driver side window onto the roof to check for clearance due to the immenseness of the wing. I’m l337ar than you n00bs.

zong is that ur g/f on ur car? think she’ll pose on my car?..giggity giggity gooooo