Who else is sick?

i got a whole bottle of amoxicillan from when i had my whole mouth swell up from my wisdom teeth. then got a 2nd bottle from the oral surgeon when he ripped the teeth out. im saving that shit for a rainy day. everytime i feel a cold or something coming on, i pop one or two and dont get sick.

woke up worse today. felt really good yesterday, well not good but better than the days prior.

woke up this morning at 130…didnt really sleep after that. saw spots in the shower…fever again. hard time breathing and very foggy.

gr…im going to the drs at 11 if i can get out of the driveway.

you guys are a bunch if bitches. take a few shots of whiskey and a 2 hr power nap. you’ll be fine

i can barely hold down water…and you want me to take a shot? lol your funny.

no. i said take a few.

Different kind of sick now… it has to be food poisoning or a stomach bug of some sort. Can’t keep anything down/in

went to the dr. yeah $30 bucks to have him tell me Im sick go home. the pill sleeper got only works in the first 72 hours after that forget it.

I feel much better today.

heres the secret

mucinex (for the mucus)

  • Clairton D (for the sinus)
  • tylenol/aleve/advil (for the fever/headache)
  • Gateraid instead of water!
  • Soup
    = an easier work day

at night take nyquil to help your body rest.

If you are taking mucinex D then only take regular Clariton…DONT MIX 2 D’s!!!

dr said you should be drinking enough fluids that your peeing every 2-3 hours

motherfuck me i got sick…:frowning: now taking approx 1000-3000% daily value worth of a lot of vitamins…and sinus/cold pills

i have had the worst stomach flu for a week now…but i did find out that fluchable baby wipes sooth the soreness…

i’ve been sick for hte past few days… nothing better than puking and pooping ur brains out…

i take that back

while ur in the middle of pooping, getting up and puking in ur own poop… yyeeaahhh…

lol that is so gross. umm…backsplash??? at least have a garbage or bucket to puke in while your shitting your brains out.

LOL sounds like the exact same thing my roommate and I have. Not fun.

Agreed, although if I nap in the middle of the day, it’s rarely as short as 2 hours.

I seem to notice that people make themselves sick from alcohol from time to time are rarely if ever the same people who say “I was so sick I couldn’t get out of bed.” It’s the people who never drink that always have these serious…“oooh, I’m so sick I can’t move” problems.

Alcohol makes your system tougher, in fact, it’s the only thing that has made me yack since I was 8 years old.

I thought that if you only took a partial cycle of antibiotics that your system could build up a resistance to them. :dunno:

fucking :werd:

Yes. Not a good idea to be popping one here or there.

hmmm i never knew that. good to know! thx