Who got ticketed tonight v Chippewa

I saw a BPD cop outside Club W writting tickets to a bunch of bikes parked there.

Who got hit and what were they looking for? I haven’t seen a BPD cop activley look at bikes for tickets.

not it.

marcus? oh wait, you said bikes. Not dumb dumbs that take their high profile car and park it on chippewa

I heard the sla was floating around pure tonight I hope they nailed it

were the bikes on the sidewalk? anyway, it’s nowhere near warm enough to be riding downtown at night.

haha, I probably know everyone who was down there last night on bikes. I’m sure I will hear about it later…

Ya, it’s called the city needs money and instead of cutting spending they are going to try to increase revenue.

:word: same here i’m sure i’ll hear details tonight. When I talked to Chris last night he didn’t say anything.

Ya I was shocked but there was about 6 bikes parked in front of W around 2:30 and a BPD cop was parked right in front of them and looking at every bike writing tickets.

Like I said, people park on the street all the time and I have never seen cops actually look at a bike until now. Hell, I didnt even had a inspection sticer most of last year. Lol