Who has an eBay store?

anyone have or manage an ebay store? looking to open one up for my work and manage it while im at school come fall…anyone have any input/feedback as to if its worth it, profitable so on and so on? it seems pretty cool for $16/month they give you traffic reports and tell you what people are searching to get your shit etc.

The only benefit i told my client about having an eBay store is publicity.

I opened one up for a client because they did not with to really advertise their own domain and store so they used eBay’s traffic for sales.

They do have a nice interface from what I remember, it was about 12 months ago they opened. If you are selling decent items that people want and are getting reputation from buyers, you can make decent money and 16 a month is worth it. If you already have a market for your items and a customer base, a personal web store is the way to go.

I helped my buddy open one on abbott rd. Nice to have but its alot of work.

I’ve had an ebay store for about five years.

Just closed it today.

It used to be a good deal to attract customers, and make sales.

It used to be 2 cents per item per month, and a low final value fee.

Now its a dime per item per month, plus TEN percent final value fee.

Its too much money.

But this alone isn’t what makes it a ripoff.

Store items do NOT show up in ebay search.

A user would need to check a box on the side toolbar, to even INCLUDE ebay store items in search, and hardly NO ONE does this.

Its a waste of money.

Setup your own ecommerce site, then feed to Google Base via RSS, and get more traffic for FREE.


Setup your own ecommerce site, then feed to Google Base via RSS, and get more traffic for FREE.




If you are selling knicknacks out of your house, and need cash.

Ebay is the way to go, just run auctions and pay for them.

But if you have a large business with 5000 items, you need base.

Ebay fees will eat you alive, and their ebay Prostores thing is an absolute joke.

Basically they setup a website for you, and charge you fees for selling items on your own website.



If you are selling knicknacks out of your house, and need cash.

Ebay is the way to go, just run auctions and pay for them.

But if you have a large business with 5000 items, you need base.

Ebay fees will eat you alive, and their ebay Prostores thing is an absolute joke.

Basically they setup a website for you, and charge you fees for selling items on your own website.


Ebay Fees + Paypal Fees = ass fucking of the century


I helped my buddy open one on abbott rd. Nice to have but its alot of work.


on abbott road? nice im looking to open mine on…the internet lol

[quote=“K Cuv,post:8,topic:31755"”]

on abbott road? nice im looking to open mine on…the internet lol


Yea i was kinda confused about that too…

[quote=“K Cuv,post:8,topic:31755"”]

on abbott road? nice im looking to open mine on…the internet lol


Its an actual store. Like 40 year old virgin.

i know what you mean haha…i mean on the ebay website you can have a “store” for companies and frequent sellers

[quote=“K Cuv,post:11,topic:31755"”]

i know what you mean haha…i mean on the ebay website you can have a “store” for companies and frequent sellers


Well he does have an eBay online store as well.
