Wholesale dealers?

I’m interested in who deals/has dealt with them. Anyone on here run their own website that you buy/sell products from them?

I know it sounds crazy, but i have an opportunity to score some wholesale deals and make a couple bucks off of it.

What my real question is, what am i getting myself into and how hard is it going to be to resell these items? Obviously im going to start my own ebay store and i have plenty of storage room right now to store the pallets of these items.

right now i’m just thinking about this and how it could be a potential for some extra spending money.

If you have nothing to contribute, keep your idiotic thoughts to yourself. thanks in advance, like i said, this is just in the planning and if i feel it will waste my time, im not going to do it.

just make sure you pay your taxes on the income. It can get ugly fast. Depending on the item money is to be made in abundance. If you don’t turn over alot of items at the same time, its going to become a headache to drive to postal to mail one or 2 items. Ive sold a ton of autoparts online and shipped all over, some days arent worth it , other days you do really well.

im not talking selling parts on nyspeed and craigslist. i will have my own business with accounts seperate from my own personal accounts. i can arrange to have the items picked up from my house, but i dont live too far away from it either.

I didnt say craigslist and nyspeed, I sold them nationally and internationally haha. but if people will be picking them up, your customers will be local. Local people are poor.

no, the plan is to have my own business where i wont be dealing with deadbeat tirekickers. items will be new, never opened and eventually i will have my own site instead of using ebay.

im just looking for some input from people who have tried this before. i know all about the infomercials and all the bs that goes along with that.

im more interested in the morning/day crew to respond, less of a chance that the deadbeats will be up early enough to clutter my thread.

Hey Wesley…
please don’t ever give advice to anyone again…

The sole fact that you mentioned paying taxes publicly says alot about you.

FYI look into drop shipping, you might lose money on auctions. However you will not be out of pocket on product up front.
The thing you need to remember is YOU WILL NOT make money on everything you try and do.

lol i was politely saying thanks, but no thanks to him. I’m trying to get advice from a successful person who has made a career for themselves by the age of 25.

I’d expect that from a stabee. I had a friend who sold a ton of his own music go down for not paying taxes on the money he made selling his own shit. Thats why I said that, the fact that you walk around with a scar on your faces from opeining your drunk mouth says alot about you. Dont ever go to the club again.

oh trust me, im already finding that out. i did some quick math based on some research figures i cam up with and some of the products i would be reselling, im actually losing money on.

i know i can make more off other products though, so that can make up for some of the loss.

alright justkarter, i tried to be nice. your the exact type of person i would not like in my thread. dont clutter it with your bs and drama between other people. take it to pm’s or find a chat room.

Yeah like I’m not going to respond to someone calling me out. my bad that its in your thread tho, He dosent know how to shut his mouth anywhere.

Karter go away, and not in a mean way but he has asked you twice nicely.

I am reserving this space until after I get my desk cleaned up this morning then I will post some VERY useful information, and my own experiences. I ran a store in the UK selling Dell laptops that turned about 115K every 90 day cycle.

Watch for the edit :slight_smile:

this is a no reservation restaurant

bob you may want to speek to LAFENGAS I think he is kinda doing something like this

He is. I actually PM’d him to offer help, but he is using a company that takes care of everything from top to bottom. I could make his templates a little nicer still :wink:

good luck with the way everything is going these days!

thanks for the input guys, tpgsr im VERY interested to hear what you have to offer. sounds like your the type of person im looking to talk to.

def in for the edit. haha i will also be waiting for lafengas to chime in.

im not scared. the fact is, if im confident enough in what im selling and my ability to sell it, i know i will have no problem. there might be road bumps, but thats just to be expected.

dunno if its been asked but what are you trying to sell??

I have a small stereo business and I would never make money online with ebay or a online store unless I started dropping big dollars on large amounts of inventory and then hope it all sells.

i have a couple ideas in mind. nothing major just yet, but ill wait until i see a good deal on a lot of a product.

a couple ideas iv had are ipods, headphones, video games, usb drives, etc…

im looking to start small and see how it goes. im not going to drop thousands of dollars and then fall flat on my face. i figure if i buy a lot of usb drives, box them up and ship them, I will make my money back that i invested plus whatever my profit is and flip it for another lot of product.

i know i make it sound like a cakewalk, but thats why i want to hear some input from some people who have done this before.