Wholesale dealers?

bump this to to the stop, im still waiting for the ninja edit to appear. :slight_smile:

direct-buy. you have to buy a lot of shit in bundles for you to save and pay to be a member but it is all wholesale. good luck sounds like a great idea

sorry, I got suckered into wiring the datacom for the new offices since my company knows I can do it and they are too cheap to call in an electrical contractor.

I will either edit this tonight, tomorrow, or i will send you a pm. I promise.

If you want to see a little of what we have done, check out www.ndc.co.uk for the website (I didn’t program that side) or http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Dell-Vostro-1500-15-4-LCD-Dual-Core-Laptop-ndc-3066_W0QQitemZ370110553105QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Computing_Laptops_EH?hash=item370110553105&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1432|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318
for one of our listings. There are usually 200-300 per week listed.

Please PM me what markets you are thinking about going into, and what you have done as far as pricing and competition research. Or you can just wait for me to pm you. I can also just send you my phone numbers if you want to talk about this more personally.

Hard to make money on the stuff you want to sell, there are Thousands of people doing the same selling the same stuff on ebay etc. and thee is always someone cheaper then you. I like Hondas, cheap easy to fix and good turn around on them.

My buddy and I did this for awhile. We did ipods, sony psp and the like. It’s all about your connection… if they are doing things 100% legit, your profits shouldn’t be dick, lol. You need a reliable supplier that knows how to play around with their contracts and get your stuff cheap. That is if you are getting 100% new, non-return items… Returns and such are a different beast, we did this one time with a few pallets and will never do it again, once we hit our break point we donated the rest of the shit and got a nice tax break.

Your best bet is finding a niche market to start with. You really do not want to jump into a game with a lot of seasoned players unless you have a really good hook-up on merchandise. I sold alpine subs and speakers until the supply side dried up.

well from what i hear is that competition is good because then you know there is a market for something. my goal in all of this is to get the product cheap enough where i can undercut the competitor by a couple cents and still make profit.

tpgsr, you have a pm.