Who Hates Windows Vista or computers in general?

Im about to punt this utter piece of shit out into my yard. I bough this computer from some nerdy bitch up at Best Buy near UB about 8 months ago, it was cool for like 4 months then it turned to a piece of shit. Shit will all of a sudden just stop working for no reason, for instance, windows movie maker just decided that it was no longer going to accept MOV files. Just like that! it said fuck off to me! Makes a lot of sense. My old computer never crapped out like this one. I called the store and they said “oh just download updates from microsoft.” yeah that did nothing. Then maybe back in June, i spent $60 on Pinnacle studio, which although it SAYS its compatable with Vista, isnt. And i am ranting about this because about the only thing i kno about computers is that you hit a button and they are supposed to turn on. :shoot::hang::banghead:

i didnt think movie maker ever did take .MOV files? if so id have sooo many more short movies, i just hate using premier for simple movies i wanna make

Just backup and reformat. All the shit on the PC from Bestbuy I am surprised it’s lasted this long.

oh and they sold me all this anti virus and spyware crap too, so who knows… yeah the uber version of movie maker that came with this pile could accept MOV’s then one day it didnt want too anymore, so i had to buy one of those re formatters… then movie maker decided that it couldnt publish anything over 3:32 for some reason. SOOOO i downloaded a different version, but that just decided that it was going to crash after i inserted a certain number of pictures

run System Restore. Go back a month or before Media Player started fucking up.

Good chance that will help. Just rememer that any programs installed after the restore date will be removed

PEBCAK :tup:

ID-10T error, happens all the time.

Gay porn tends to fuck up computers… are you watching gay porns?

Does 2girls1cup count?


Does 2girls1cup count?


word on the street is that it was chocolate ice cream :biglol:

hey would this work? plugging in USB with digital camera that has the MOV files on it… then in movie maker just use Capture mode, and capture during the playing on the videos on the digi cam. instead of uploading the MOV files to your PC, and then trying to import.

-im at work but i just thought of this


ID-10T error, happens all the time.




FUCK WINDOWS…run Ubuntu…


PEBCAK :tup:



Try backing up all your important info and reformat/re-install windows. This time, don’t install all the junk from best buy. Keep it to a minimum and go from there. You’ll be happier in the long run


FUCK WINDOWS…run Ubuntu…


If he’s having problems with windows, he shouldn’t run ubuntu or any linux distro for that matter. If a problem pops up, chances are he’s not going to be able to fix it, nor have the patience to learn.


If he’s having problems with windows, he shouldn’t run ubuntu or any linux distro for that matter. If a problem pops up, chances are he’s not going to be able to fix it, nor have the patience to learn.



“Sir don’t worry we moved our entire office from Microsoft to open source linux products…No I can’t call support…Don’t worry though Jimmybob69 on the linux forum should reply back any time now he thinks he has a fix”