fixed… :walter:
You want to know why I HATE this thread?
I Have just learned how synchros work and now know that what i thought was a broken shift cable yesterday is actually a killed synchro.
Anyone want a beretta GTZ that cant go into 5th or reverse?
and not strong enough to take alot of torque yet afaik.
Hey newman…Thank you…dig up some of my old tranny posts when I go off when people say their tranny just needs new synchros. I go absolutely apeshit at the shop all the time explaining this when some retard says “I need new synchros”. I then explain to them that they need the collar assembly which only comes with the gear sets because that’s all chewed up as well as the teeth it on the gear which actually engages the gear. The physical gears themselves RARELY get chewed up, it’s the teeth that allow them to be engaged that get beat up. And even if you replace just the synchros, they will be chewed to shit within a few months.
Anyone who I ever explained this to at Swerve who has had tranny work done, knows exactly what’s going on because I’ve shown them how it works as I go on an absolute rant about it.
this does not sound like a problem w/ a synchro.
More like a balk ring or shift fork.