Who learned how to ride on a 250?

Vlad, the point is, rider mentality/previous experience have just as much to do on a motorcycle as the size of it’s engine

Lance, do you believe there is such thing as too much car for a new driver?

Zr1 vette with no traction control or ABS for example?

Learned riding a dirt bike then hopped on a 600

I knew a guy who drove monster trucks. He said monster trucks are a better comparison.

First a 100cc dirt bike for 2 months now a 250cc cruiser… im lame thou so don’t count my vote 250s are slow and lame I can only go 85mph with ease… only seen 65 of it cause im lame and slow, but my dad topped it off once so I could know what it does lol…

Jesus we got evil kneivel over here. You little badass you.

Vlad - answer my question about “cruisers” because I fail to see how they are good starter bikes?

And as far as power is concerned yes the HP might be just more then half but did you forget about TQ and twins??? Last time I checked TQ is a bigger factor then HP when it comes to moving from a stop which then in turn goes back to THROTTLE CONTROL.

I’m not even considering your rebel in this conversation. It’s a cruiser, keep cruising on it. Not in same class as a ninja 250

def not lame bro.

I have to agree.

I started on an '06 Yamaha R6, sold it two years later with 5000 miles on it. Bought an '07 R6 and put another 5000 miles on that one. Granted, that’s not a lot of miles by any means but neither bike ever got laid out.

I had learned clutch control, shift pattern and brake control on off-road bikes (XR-70 to an XR-100 to an XR-200 to full on motocross bikes). Never even owned one but had plenty of time on them. Went right to a street bike, took my time, used maturity, common sense, self control and brains. I managed just fine. Wore my gear, rode smart and didn’t push the limits of the road/bike/my skill level.

Couldn’t agree more with both posts especially throttle control.

It’s crazy how in the other post there was people thinking I was retarded for telling Ilya to learn how to clutch, shift, and some control on a dirtbike. Especially because he’s never been on 2 wheels.

Learned to ride on an xr 100… then jumped on my brothers sv650 and dicked around on it.

600cc+ CLUB FTW

Ur such a badass to bro. bet you didn’t even wear gear.

haha i didn’t…

Jesussssss don’t let vlad find out. That’s a double no no.

Great… were all fucked

I will say that I would trust my brother and most of his friends (15 years old) driving a ZR1, than I will trust the RPI kid who I sold my Ford Focus to (got his permit 2 days beforehand, but had been driving for years in China.) as far as road safety goes. I have never been so scared in a vehicle. Once again operator is equal or more important than the vehicle selection.

That is very true that the operator is the biggest factor.

However when a random person asks you on the internet whether or not they should buy a high hp car as their first vehicle would you recommend it? Or knowing that the vehicle is more of a handful than a slower car you would say that they are better off starting smaller? When you know nothing about the operator, his habits or his skill you have to take him out of the equation, and at that point you’re just comparing a high hp race vehicle vs something more mild to learn on.

Sbardy is going off on his own little tangent. There are plenty of people that start on plenty fast bikes and thats fine. However they are more risky and more of a handful and just on that factor alone I wouldn’t ever recommend it.

Could still do it? Sure why not, see if I care. :lol

As far as cars go, I’d recommend anything modern, if you can afford it, for a first car. Safety in vehicles is insane now. Doesn’t really compare to bikes I guess

This reminds me of a 7 year old thread on the Kawasaki Forum…

new rider + crash = amputee

Pretty sure the point Vlad is making, is that learning on a slower/smaller bike, you’re less likely to end up like that guy ^^^^^ because no matter how fucking stupid you are, the bike ain’t gonna let you do dumb shit that you are incapable of handling as an inexperienced rider.

Clearly we have all made it out alive, the point I’m assuming that is trying to be made is - dare risk it? We all risked it, and here we all are. I love riding bigger bikes, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t hundreds or thousands of riders before us (Probably even quite a few this year) who thought they’d hop on an SS or a SBK for the first time with no problem and ended up dead.

250’s definitely wouldn’t make a good commuter bike if highways were involved, but perfectly fine for around town.

I’m assuming there are some squids on this forum riding around in tank tops and flip-flops. Just a hunch. :retardclap