Who makes the rules?

There needs to be more cunt mouth shutting in this thread.

the stench of fish and semen is over powering

Here we go, this might get deep:

First off, when I took Ethics in college, I literally got in yelling fights with my rofessor because he was an idiot. He declared that ethics were in fact objective. I disagree.

Killing in some cultures is tolerated, even rewarded. In ours, it is not. Personally, I would not think twice to kill someone who was out to hurt me, my family, or anyone I loved. Honestly, I think people like child molesters should be lined up so that we can practice long range shooting for the upcoming hunting season.Unfortunately that will never happen.

Back to my professor. His argument was that killing was not moral. Other cultures who thought it was moral were wrong and that those cultures should be forced to recognize it as being wrong, if it ironically means through war.

My argument is that, morals come all the way down to the individual. You have the freedom to kill, steal, etc. However, you also will have to deal with the effect of your actions. In our culture, that would be imprisonment or death. If someone came and murdered my family in their sleep, I would have no problem finding that person, and killing them the slowest most painful way possible.

I agree with this 100%

hmmm +rep and +respect from me. good post.

id +rep ya but i just did for something else :lol

You mean tell that to America? there are more regulations on programs in America than any other country yet we are suppose to be the land of the free



mmm… multiple strategies utilitarianism

I like what they do in brazil, Rapist get beatin and burned to death by the community

I think its whoever REALLY made the pyramids.


Back to this.

Who says I “own” anything? The only thing that created the concept of ownership and protection to it is the government.

Which we didn’t particularly pick anyway.

We all (besides the immigrants) came around onto these rules without ever even given a choice to whether or not we agree with them and with the government.

Nothing is real :ahh

whever stuff like this comes up in discussion i always bring up this point, half the people look at me like im retarded and half are like “holy SHIT!!!”

What if there was nothing? What if there were no humans, no living creatures, no earth, no solar system, no stars, planets, particles, vacuum… anything? what would there be?

It’s hard to write it out over the internet but hopefully some of you get my point :lol

Step away from the Hookah… Bro.

Relevance, we’re not talking about creation of the universe but rather creation of the rules and morals that we live by.

And who says that the morals are “right” when the world is general is quite hippocritical on the matter.

Vov you need to be a politician

I own my girlfriend


Politics stand for everything I believe against, I do enjoy a good debate however.