Who makes the rules?

I wonder if the government still offers rewards for turning in Communists :ninja

Sometimes to change the things you dont believe in, you must join them in order to make the change

I don’t believe in the whole “fight from the belly of the beast” theory because well, that means you have been already eaten. :ponder

Ron you better run :vlad

So why is theft “bad”?

:lol Thinking about that has nothing to do with smoking, it’s just a little mind exercise!


Hmmm you would think so…BUT your reasoning is close but it is what caused my brother who passed and I to create Cars4Cancer to change the ways things are done. Which I see working because now 2 Breast Cancer Foundations and the American Cancer Society has also picked up what we are trying to do to help everyday people. I dont feel eaten BUT I do feel like its going to be a never ending battle…

LoL and to humor you. you answered my question of whats your favorite thing you own, which you responded your body, Now if you are Lucky its a 100 year lease. BUT thats not the point Since you said thats your favorite thing you owned and bringing the point of theft, How would you feel if someone took your life, Yes its murder but the also STOLE your body/life.BUT since you are trying to justify theft than it must be ok:ninja

Kramer if there was nothing like you are explaining then there would be no question to begin with

I don’t know why you people are trying to explain the questions posted in the first post.

They are not answerable. That’s just how it is. Our minds can’t comprehend stuff that we cannot see, which is why it takes a GREAT amount of BELIEF to be religious. Our human minds are incredible, but not incredible enough to analyze complexity’s like this and answer those questions. The point of my post isn’t to make it religious or anything, but even the Bible says this. According to the Bible, Heaven is so amazing that our minds can’t comprehend what will be up there.

We don’t like stealing because thousands of years ago, some caveman came home to his cave to find his wheel stolen. He didn’t like that, so he talked his fellow area cave dwellers into ‘not allowing’ it, and it spread to all the peoples of the world. Or something stupid like that.

We can’t answer these questions. Our minds can’t wrap themselves around them.

Its a pretty simple answer really… Society as a whole makes the “rules” and teaches children these rules and morals from the very second they open there eyes who than teaches the same, if not slightly evolved, rules to the next generation.

If society as a whole decided politicians were actually stealing with taxes than they would end up in jail, but society doesn’t believe that so we are taxed.

But who gives people the ‘urge’ to ‘group together’ and make ‘rules’? That’s what we can’t comprehend. Something made at least one human say, “No, this cannot happen”. What was it? We’ll never know.

Do you find it that complicated that you get pissed off when someone steals your wallet so in turn you think maybe there should be some rules that say thats not ok? Or why we have a government to handle things that are to big and expensive to handle on our own?

Banding together with other people of like mind makes perfect logical sense, it gives you more power to get what you want.

My brain is bleeding.

So post your thoughts.

I’m tempted to quote Voltaire, but I dont think Shift518 is the ideal audience.

JClark is thinking about bitches and hoes.

A witty saying proves nothing- Voltaire

Suck my dick- Ron Jeremy

Oh please do, that’s the direction I’m going with in this thread.

I got Locke, Machiavelli and Rousseau in reserves, ready for action :number1

It happens in nature all the time, the strong survive.

I’m surprised to see you in this thread. I know you’re not one to shy away from opposing ideas but it could get ugly.

People with that mind set have shut down themselves and just leave it to “bigger forces” than them and refer to the book.

However you contradict yourself.

If you couldn’t comprehend material you couldn’t see, nobody would be religious.

Concept of theft and ownership is as much human invention as the wheel is.

“Not allowing it”? Lets presume they did communicate to that extent, but somebody went after the wheel again. Who is going to enforce the protection of that wheel without fighting?

99% of society is convinced that there is plenty of theft and unfair perks in the government, and it is a fact indeed. Just look at the “bailout”, yet there is nothing done about us being unhappy about it.

We are hunters/gatherers by nature. Plenty of species out there that like to live groups and have their own rules. Monkeys, Dolphins, Penguins, Wolf packs etc. They have well established rules of territory and others as well.

:rofl Well played.

Since when does thinking something automtically mean people are going to step up and do it? 99% of society also wants to be rich yet is unwilling to work hard/smart enough to achieve it.

Vlad you do understand that your government is YOU, right? What have YOU done about the bailout to express your distaste to YOUR representatives that YOU elected?

Government is run out of fear of the public.